Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Picture Perfect
My most recent little project. I started with a cheap-o frame from Michael's (It was $0.66!), and spray painted it gold-ish. However, I noticed some air bubbles, so I sanded it a little and pulled out some good old metallic Plaid Acrylic paint in Champagne. I painted about 6 layers of paint, following the wood grain. After I was content with the paint, I decorated with scrapbooking stickers I bought for $1.00 per sheet. To finish it off I sprayed it down with some matte sealer and let it dry. The last thing I needed to do was add a picture and ... ta-da! Although I do need to either go out and buy some glass for it, or even perhaps a little mirror. We'll see.
First Day of Summer
Happy Summer Solstice, all! We're going out and about to enjoy this sunshiny day, maybe to the park. (We, at the very least, have to hit Wal-Mart and Starbucks. :-D)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Fields of Flowers
I've been working on the fabric flowers and have made some adjustments. They're a little fluffier now, though I still LOVE Stephie's flowers...
If you want to learn how I make these, look in my archives, under October 2011.
I made this fun flower the way Stephie makes hers. Fun!
I've also been having fun making simple little bows.
I made this little owl headband over the weekend. (This is a %100 original pattern.)
Another view of the owl.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Our House, in the Middle of the Street
It's summertime, and time to paint the house. It's been a few years, and it's been the same color for I don't even know how long. We have a brown roof, and the front of the house is brick, so it's not like we can just some pretty color. So, we've narrowed it down to two colors. One is a pretty Autumn Sage. The other is called Antique Chest, which is a brown. Brown. With the brown roof and the bricks. Makes me think...
No, really....
We'll see. I'm holding out for the green.
I'm without a camera cord again. Last time I was without a cord, it was because I was in D.C and left it at home. This time it's because my dog ate it. (Sighs) It's not a huge deal, I still have a card reader. But I can't get video off it. I'l post some new pictures tomorrow.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Spring Gardening
We've finally started out little garden. We'd had intentions for more plants, but we got a later start than we'd originally anticipated. In the front right we have tomatoes. On the left there are green beans, and in the back there are more green beans and some zucchini. Not pictures are the basil and oregano plants.
I don't think Emily believed me when I told her that vegetables would actually grow there.
Among all the other spring and summer blooms, a new hair clip, of course!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Fabric Flowers
I learned to make these cute flowers in FLORIDA! Steve sent me and Emily to Florida to see my dear friend, Stephanie, who is really more like a sister, and her family. Stephanie and I lived next door to each other in South Dakota a few years ago. We used to bake, crochet, go shopping, everything together. And for 5 days, we got to do all of that again!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I miss my glue gun
I have so many plans and ideas for hair ribbons, flowers, and other fun stuff. No glue gun, no camera cord ... ugh.
I do, however, have a Mocha-Coconut frappuchino from Starbucks. And my toddler is napping. :-)